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Testing & Certifications

We are committed to the highest standards of quality and safety, which is reflected in our certifications. Since 1980, we have been USDA Organic Certified, ensuring organic production. Our products are also Kosher Certified and adhere to fair trade practices. Rigorous QC testing and GFSI Food Safety Certification further demonstrate our commitment. Our comprehensive documentation provides customers with confidence in our products.

Quality at The Highest Level

We take pride in our commitment to quality and safety, which is why we hold several certifications that attest to the standards we adhere to. Since 1980, we have been USDA Organic Certified, ensuring that our products meet strict guidelines for organic production. Our products are also Kosher Certified, making them suitable for those following a kosher diet.

Furthermore, we conduct rigorous QC testing, including microbiology, HPTLC identity, and ICP-MS heavy metal testing in our modern in-house Quality Control Laboratory. 

We are proud to provide our customers with comprehensive documentation, including Specification sheets, Certificates of Analysis, Material Safety Data Sheets, and more, to meet their specific needs. 

Finally, we are GFSI Food Safety Certified, which includes certification from the British Retail Consortium (BRC), further demonstrating our dedication to maintaining the highest level of food safety and quality.

Our certifications and testing procedures provide our customers with the assurance that they can trust our products and feel confident in the choices they make when purchasing from us.